Sevala Accessory Collection (Vrchat Asset)
Jewelry Bundle made from Scratch -Commercial License-
Shaped, Rigged & Weighted to -> Zinpia Fit Base | Arcade Head
Includes Face Veil, Necklace, Arm Bands & Leg Bands.
-> All assets come split into multiple groups, allowing buyers to toggle parts on and to personal preference.
-> Mask does not include additional bones for Gem movement. Creators will need to add their own for physics.
-> Does not include morphs for other Zinpia body shapes.
Rigged and weighted in 3DS MAX. Weights, scale and orientation may differ or require adjustments for Blender Users.
Variant Details:
● Toggles for Veil -> Forehead Gem Connection, Non-Forehead Connection, All Dangled Gems Toggled Off/On.
● All Bangles Toggleable. Includes "thigh squish" bangle variant.
● All Waist Chains Toggleable.
Rules & Permissions:
● Do not claim as your own.
● Sharing of this asset without purchase is prohibited.
● Allowed on paid or avatar world models. Not allowed for free downloadable models.
(This is to prevent asset farming. I apologize for any inconvenience.)
● Parts of this package can be repurposed on avatars as long as credit is given / rules are followed.
Polygon Details
Connected With Gems -> 15,508
Connected No Gems -> 12,952
Non-Connected with Gems -> 15,072
Non-Connected No Gems -> 13,092
All Variants Toggled On -> 27,772
Body Bangles:
All -> 21,595
Neck -> 895
Ankles -> 900
Thigh (Squish/No Squish) -> 6300
Upper Arm -> 6,300
Wrist -> 900
Waist Chains:
All -> 39,840
Chain 1 -> 9,760
Chain 2 -> 14,720
Chain 3 -> 15,360
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