Sevala Veil V2 (Vrchat Asset) UPDATE
Jewelry made from Scratch -Commercial License-
Shaped, Rigged & Weighted to -> Suki Head
2.0 Update! Re-rigged in Blender and shaped to a Amelia Head.
Blender users will no longer have to fix the non-compatible 3DS Armature manually a long as they select the Amelia version of the mesh.
-> All assets come split into multiple groups, allowing buyers to toggle parts on and to personal preference in Blender, 3DS or in Unity.
-> Does not include additional bones for Gem movement. Creators will need to add their own for physics.
-> Does not include morphs for other face shapes and will require reshaping.
-> Includes Bonus Normal Map for Face Band Detail. UV Set for custom texturing on Band.
Originally Rigged and weighted in 3DS MAX. Weights, scale and orientation may differ or require adjustments for Blender Users.
Select "Sev - Amelia Edit (Update)" file to avoid manually needing to correct the Armature!
Variant Details:
● Toggles -> Head Jewel, Face Bar Lining and Gems
● Deleting meshes via 3D program or unity prefab will reduce poly count to user preference.
Rules & Permissions:
● Do not claim as your own.
● Sharing of this asset without purchase is prohibited.
● Allowed on paid or avatar world models. Not allowed for free downloadable models.
(This is to prevent asset farming. I apologize for any inconvenience.)
● Parts of this package can be repurposed on avatars as long as credit is given / rules are followed.
Polygon Details
Nose Ring:
Full -> 23442
No head Gem -> 23222
Size will vary due to the amount of assets toggled/deleted.
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